Day 1 - 09/03/21

  1. In-Class Activity
    1. What did you see?
    2. What did you hear?
    3. Who else were you aware of?
    4. What was the shape of the space in your mind?
    5. What did you sense?
  2. Discussion
    1. What is compelling people to move
    2. How can you direct traffic, media, facades, wandering, goal-oriented, circling
    3. Movements, how is it directed or ambiguous, cautious, aloof
  3. Design - Space Narratives
    1. Wandering in the Desert, Walkabout
    2. Procession, Epic of Gilgamesh
    3. Circles, Alice in Wonderland
    4. Territories, Israeli Palestinian Conflict
  4. You will do 3 projects, one of 1/2, one of 3/4, one final
    1. Two weeks to develop a concept, in situ → chronological experience of events
    2. Development
    3. Presentation, with progress
  5. Touch Designer
    1. Intro
    2. Pixels I/O
    3. Audio I/O
    4. MIDI Controllers
    5. DMX Lights
    6. Messaging, Sockets + OSC


I was able to hear breathing/coughing and the shuffling of bodies/chairs in the space. I could perceive generally where the sounds were originating from. There were some additional sounds in the spaces that I could not distinguish.

I felt quite aware of others in space. Some of the other people in the room

Nevermind I'm making stuff up of what I think happened instead of making stuff up about me having taken part in the experience...

For the first class of Big Spaces I am assuming that there was some kind of impromptu class performance designed to get everyone out of their digital perspective towards a more temporal/physical mindset. Based off of everyone's responses I am assuming there was some kind of sensory depravation experience where people had to walk around the space and try to perceive/sense aspects or phenomena of the space around them. This space was probably big and the one we are currently in.

Week 2 - 09/10/21